Tag Archives: Family Photographer

How Often Should You Have a Family Portrait Done?

Family portraits are like doctor’s appointments… they don’t happen very often, but when they do, they’re important. After all, it’s not everyday you’re able to gather together those you love and have them stand or sit still long enough to take a nice family portrait. Savor those moments. Family portraits are a nice way to chronicle kids growing up and getting older, as well as hairstyle changes, fashions of each decade, and more. Some years the men might have facial hair. Other years they won’t. Women might cut their hair short. It’s interesting to see how time changes the look of people in your family!

Family PhotosWhen and how often should you have a family photo done? Well, time goes by quickly, and for many of us, we put this idea on the back burner. That’s not a good idea if there are kids and seniors involved since the kids will change the way they look very soon and the seniors may not be around much longer.

Therefore, it’s best to take a family portrait once a year. That way you can have an annual memento of your family. This can hang on the wall, proudly, in the living room or main hallway of your home. You can hang up a whole bunch of portraits from “through the years” to show your family’s progression. Or you can just hang up the most recent picture. Either way, it’s nice to see people gathered together, looking their best, in a beautiful family portrait.

Besides the annual portrait, two other main reasons people think about getting family portraits include a new birth in the family and/or a special occasion such as a wedding or graduation when people come together, conveniently, to enjoy the celebration. It’s nice to capture a family in a good mood, all dressed up, looking their best.

Digital Custom Photography does family portraits. Call 636-322-9641 to arrange yours today!